Welcome to the Art Mad Artists of Stittsville site. Here, you will find information about our upcoming group shows, individual shows and other news that relates to our group.
Thanks everyone for their kind comments in the group's book at the past show at the Stittsville branch of the Ottawa Public Library. We are grateful for everyone's supportive comments and all the friendly people we were able to meet during the duration of the show.
Thanks also to John Curry of the Stittsville News for taking the time to photograph us during the show's first day and for writing the article that helped promote so much interest!
Cheers and looking forward to many posts, paintings and laughs!
For any inquiries relating to sales, individual artists' contact information or news about upcoming shows, please do not hesitate to email me.
artmadartists (at) gmail (dot) com

Art Mad is a fellowship of artists working in various media who gather at Stittsville Public Library for shared studio space on Friday afternoons from September until June. We do not offer lessons or supplies but enjoy creating art and sharing ideas on our own works. New members are always welcome, space permitting, so if you are interested in joining us in 2024/25, please contact Linda at 613 883-7026 or Maggie at 613 836-8292.