Tuesday, 20 September 2016

Art Mad Artists at the Atomic Rooster's Annual Cock Show

"Rooster, Pure and Simple"
Maggie Madden

The vernissage for the Atomic Rooster's 2016 Cock Show kicked off this evening with a total of 45 pieces of artwork from different artists.  The theme is Rooster! Each year artists tackle the aspect in different, sometimes playful or irreverent ways.

The Art Mad Artists have always enjoyed taking a a crack at the challenge, which offers the First Place winner a cash prize, plus having one's artwork's image immortalized as the Atomic Rooster's coasters for the year. Artwork on display is also available for sale to the general public.

"The Old Barn Rooster"
Acrylic Mixed Media on Canvas
Gerald Chamberlain
Artists Maggie Madden and Gerry Chamberlain both entered the show and their work is inspiring and fun. Please vote on the Atomic Rooster Facebook page and also in person at the restaurant for your favourite pieces. Good luck guys!

Cock Show 2016
September 18th - October 23rd
Atomic Rooster
303 Bank St., Ottawa, ON K2P 1X7

Information regarding the show
Emily Howard
emily (at) atomicrooster (dot) ca
michelle (at) atomicrooster (dot) ca

Thursday, 8 September 2016

New Session begins September 9th, 2016

The Art Mad Artists took a much needed break over the summer to travel, work on personal projects and refill their creative wells.  The group will be returning to the hard and enjoyable task of creating unique work at the Ottawa Public Library's Stittsville Branch Friday afternoons from 1pm - 4pm.

If you are interested in meeting with the artists and would like to check out where the magic happens, please contact us in advance and we would be delighted to see you! (613) 836-7821 or artmadartists(at)gmail(dot)com

The Stittsville Village Association's 'Arts in the Park' rain date was Sunday August 14th. We couldn't have wished for a more perfect day to share our work with the interested and wonderful people who stopped by. Thanks to all who took the time to come to the show and who supported our efforts.

Deep thanks also to: Gerry Chamberlain, Maggie & John Madden for their work with the set-up and take-down of grids, organizing, hanging work and unflagging passion for the Art Mad Artists' success.

L-R Maggie Madden, Natalie Jones, Gerry Chamberlain, Linda Gorman and Patti Morgan

Thursday, 14 April 2016

Art Mad Artists "Meet and Greet"

Our group show is now live at the ArtScene gallery in Spencerville, until May 1st, 2016 and can be viewed during regular gallery hours (check website).

The artists would like to invite you to an afternoon of art and light refreshments as you enjoy 'Explorations'. Come to Spencerville and have a lovely afternoon appreciating different art styles and mediums and talking with the talented and diverse artists who created it! All welcome, event cost: free.

Saturday April 23rd 2016,
1 pm - 3 pm
ArtScene Gallery
11 Spencer St., Spencerville ON K0E 1X0
Tel. 613-658-2278

Directions to the gallery from Ottawa:

Duration: approximately 45 minutes w/o traffic.
Get on the Trans-Canada Hwy 417 W,
Take Hwy 416 S to County Rd. 21. Take exit 12 from Hwy 416 S (76 km)
Drive to 44. (1 km)

Friday, 1 April 2016

Art Space group show 'Explorations' a rousing success

Maggie Madden of the Art Mad Artists group adjusts 
a painting at the ArtSpace Wall Gallery at the Stittsville 
branch of the Ottawa Public Library. (c) 2016 John Curry
Thanks to everyone who took the time to come to the Stittsville Library during the month of March to enjoy the Art Mad Artists' group show. We loved hearing comments from viewers and reading the supportive and enthusiastic notes in our show book.

Many sales happened during the event, including: Maggie Madden's "Evening Light", Patti Morgan's "Waiting for Spring", Suzanne Marsden's "Washington Mountains"and Gerald Chamberlain's "Ducklings".

Thanks to John Curry for doing a wonderful write-up about our art group and our new show, as well as photographing the event.

Most of all, we want to thank everyone who supported us in our creative efforts and who have been behind us all the way as we explore new mediums, subjects and ideas on our respective creative journeys. Our friends and family and positive community members make the difference to our success and help to keep our enthusiasm high!

Please look for our next group show, which runs from April 4th - May 1st, 2016 at the ArtScene gallery in Spencerville (11 Spencer St., Spencerville ON, 613-658-2278).

All the best!

Thursday, 18 February 2016

Upcoming show

Artwork L - R:  Patti Morgan, Maggie Madden, Gerald Chamberlain, Edna Marlow, Natalie Jones, Roelfina Hulshof,  Suzanne Marsden and Linda Gorman. Poster design: John Madden.


A show of new work in acrylic, watercolour, pencil and pastel, by local artist group Art Mad Artists.

The group continues to grow, with 13 members to date. Now entering their fourth year, they are beginning to branch out, trying new techniques, new media, new subject matter.  They hope you enjoy the show, and welcome your comments.

Tuesday March 1st - Thursday March 31st, 2016

Art Space Wall
Ottawa Public Library, Stittsville Branch
1637 Stittsville Main
Ottawa ON K2S 1A7

Monday, 8 February 2016

Art Mad Artists represented in 2015's Cock Show

Maggie Madden with her "Atomic" Rooster!
2015 was another successful year as we continued to meet and paint weekly.  We had many visitors and some sales at the annual Stittsville Arts in the Park, and we also participated in the annual Cock Show at the Atomic Rooster in downtown Ottawa in the Fall.